National Standard

An initiative group of experts has developed a draft national standard “System of Measures to Prevent Corruption in Organizations. Recommendations for Development and Application”.

Combating corruption is part of the state policy of the Russian Federation, which is implemented through the implementation of measures aimed at preventing corruption and fighting it, as well as minimizing and eliminating the consequences of corruption offenses not only by state bodies, local governments, but also by organizations.

The legal and organizational foundations for the prevention of corruption are established by Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 “On Combating Corruption”, which imposes an obligation on organizations to develop and take measures to prevent corruption (Article 13.3).

The necessity of compliance with the above requirements does not exhaust the value of the system of measures for corruption prevention (SMCP) both for the state and society as a whole, and for organizations, including commercial organizations.

Prevention of corruption offenses in organizations, carried out through a system of measures (mechanisms, tools) to prevent corruption, is part of the system of internal (corporate) management of the organization, necessary for:

  • fulfillment by the organization of the duties established by law and compliance with the prohibitions provided for by law;

  • prevention of bringing the organization and its employees to the responsibility provided for by law;

  • protection of the organization and its owners (founders, participants, shareholders) from the illegal actions of employees, creating risks of violation of the normal activities of the organization and risks of causing damage to the organization.

The introduction of an anti-corruption system in organizations should, on the one hand, comply with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation, and on the other hand, not lead to the organization’s violation of the requirements of other federal laws and regulatory legal acts, and, above all, not allow violation of the basic human and civil rights and labor rights of employees.

The developed national standard is aimed at the implementation of these theses in each organization using a unified approach.

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