Membership Advantages

Joining the Association opens up new opportunities for development and cooperation. Openness, continuous dialogue, and equal partnership form the foundation for the professional development of the Association’s members.

Become a part of a public non-profit professional association that represents the interests of experts and organizations specializing in the field of corruption prevention and independent anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and their drafts.

Opportunities for Association Members

Participation in all Association events;

Exchange of experiences and information about achievements, developments, and new approaches;

Expansion of contacts within the professional community;

Implementation of joint projects;

Creation of independent projects with the support of the Association, experts, and consultants from the member organizations;

Conducting seminars and conferences with the participation of leading experts;

Participation in developing proposals to improve anti-corruption standards and mechanisms;

Representation of the common position of companies in interaction with government authorities, professional and public organizations;

Participation in the work of the Association's standing commissions and working groups;

Receiving advisory, legal, and other support from the Association;

Submitting proposals for the agenda of the General Assembly of the Association members;

Receiving up-to-date information on the activities and initiatives of the Association;

Posting information about the Association members on the network resources;

Use of the Association's corporate name and identity in your activities.

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