The Association’s Objectives
The "Ekspertiza" Association of Anti-Corruption Experts was established in order to:
To unite lawyers in the field of Russian anti-corruption legislation, economists and specialists in public and municipal administration, specializing in the field of corruption prevention and conducting independent anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and their draft versions, as well as organizations with these areas of activity;
Formation and development of effective practices for conducting independent anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and draft regulatory legal acts in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
Development of mechanisms for improving the institution of independent anti-corruption expertise and the practice of applying anti-corruption legislation in the private sector of the economy in cooperation with Russian authorities, organizations, the business community, and business and industry professional associations;
Development and promotion of national standards of anti-corruption activity in organizations;
Participation in rule-making activities on issues of anti-corruption and anti-corruption expertise.
Содействия членам Ассоциации в осуществлении их профессиональной деятельности.